Workshops 2023-24

Workshops 2019-20

Name of the Quality initiative Description
One day Online Workshop through Google Meet ‘Humanity at the Crossroads’ (One day online workshop through Google Meet) was organized by Departments of History & Political Science Sivanath Sastri College in Collaboration with Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group on July 9, 2020
Online Workshop through Google Meet A One day workshop on ‘MOOC: Its Importance In Higher Education’ was held on August 17, 2020
Online Workshop through Google Meet Online Workshop on ‘How To Use ICT in Teaching, Learning And Administrative work in Higher Educational Institutes’ was held on August 20-21, 2020

Workshops 2018-19

Name of the Quality initiative Description
Workshops on alternative career options for students Workshop on Jewellery design was held on April 30, 2019. It was conducted by Monalisa Basu, alumni of the college. She demonstrated the making of costume jewellery. The workshop was attended by 70 students who also recorded their feedback.
Workshops on alternative career options for students Workshop on Graphic Design design was held on April 30, 2019. It was conducted by Prof. Priyanka Sen, alumni of the college. The workshop was attended by 61 students who also recorded their feedback.
Workshops on alternative career options for students Workshop on Cooking and baking was held on April 30, 2019. It was conducted by Sukanya Maity alumni of the college. 90 students participated in this workshop.