Library rules for the teachers and non-teaching staff (Approved by the G.B.)
- Full time teachers will be allowed to borrow and retain in his / her possession up to a maximum of 10 books from the Central Library and 10 books from the Honours Seminar Library at a time.
- State Aided College Teacher will be allowed to borrow and retain in his / her possession up to a maximum of 3 books from the Central Library and 2 books from Honours Seminar Library at a time.
- Non-teaching staff will be allowed to borrow and retain in his / her possession up to a maximum of 5 books from Central Library at a time.
- Book/s may be retained for a period of one month at a time. The book/s can be renewed for a further period of one month, provided there is no demand for the book in the library. No book can be renewed more than twice.
- If books are not returned / renewed in time further issue of book/s will be regretfully stopped. If books are not returned in spite of reminders, a fine of Rs.1.00 per day per book will be imposed.
- Books from the Honours Seminar Library will be issued to the teachers belonging to the department concerned (subjects to be specified). Teachers belonging to other departments will be allowed to borrow books from the Honours Seminar Library only in special case for maximum period of seven days. If required the book can be reissued for another seven days. No further extension will be allowed.
- Books will be issued against specific requisition slips filled up by the teachers or the non-teaching staff.
- Rare valuable books and Reference books will remain confined to the library and will not be lent out under any circumstances.
- The users are requested to check the condition of the book/s at the time of issue. If the time does not permit then the user must report to the library staff of any damage found in the book within the next 72 hours.
- If a book is lost or severely damaged, it will have to be replaced by a copy of the latest edition of the same book. If the book is not available in the market it will have to replace by another book on the same subject to be decided by the Library Committee on recommendation of the Librarian concerned.